It’s been a difficult few months and the world has certainly changed due to Covid-19 – hopefully in some ways for the better!
“The health and safety of customers is paramount and businesses will be following government guidelines”
We have all had extra time with the family and have found new ways to spend time with friends and extend family, but it is exciting to be entering the real world again.
A lot of kids have gone without a traditional birthday party in the last few months – whether you have celebrated in a new way at home or invited friends to an online party, families have done their best to make their kid’s ‘iso-birthday’ one to remember.
Now that restrictions are being lifted many of us are looking forward to getting back into the outside world and celebrating! Many kids’ party businesses are now starting to re-open. While there may still be some changes to celebrations, there will be celebrations nonetheless!
The health and safety of customers is paramount and businesses will be following government guidelines as well as implementing their own safety measures such as extra cleaning and hygiene practices.
At Party Lane, we are currently talking to party businesses to gauge who are reopening and those that are opening soon. Businesses that are open will have the option to display our new ‘Covid Conscious’ business banner on their listing to let customers know they are open for business and ready to help you celebrate.
Many business are not quite ready to open and will have an ‘opening soon banner’ with many including the date for reopening. It’s been a challenging time for many people and businesses; and celebrating your child’s party with one of these party providers will not only give your child a birthday to remember, but will help the business on the road to recovery post-Covid-19.
Our Party Lane search results will display this information at a glance and provide a new ‘Category’ to better inform customers which can be used as a search filter.
We are also providing a new banner section within the Party Listings to make it easier for businesses to provide additional information to assist customers in relation to guidelines and safety measures being enforced. Businesses can alter the information to best suit their conditions.

If you are a business or entertainer who are looking to update your listing with us to become a “Covid Conscious Business”, please get in touch with us or register your business.
One of the amazing things to come out of this crisis has been communities rallying to support small businesses more than ever before, we hope this can extend to these party businesses that are now reopening.