Your Company Details

Optional - Keep it short and descriptive as it will appear on search results instead of the link description

Prices correct as of date


Business logo

This needs to be 247px wide x 56px high. Ideally it could be square at 247x247px. This field will display within the App if a location is linked to a party

Required. This needs to be a minimum of 247px wide x 56px high. Ideally it could be square at 500x500px. This field will display within the App if a location is linked to a party

Contact information


Venue address (leave blank if doesn’t apply)

Leave this blank if the location is not important.

Trading hours


Introduction / Description of venue


Listing Categories


Listing Tags

Optional. Visitors can filter their search by the amenities too, so make sure you include all the relevant ones.

Gallery Images (Will appear in order of upload)

Description of party services


Covid-19 Business Conscious

Complete this section if you wish to display additional information as to what your business is doing to become 'Covid Conscious'.

Status will be "Opening Soon" until this date has passed.

This will only display on the listing page.

Click to initialize TinyMCE

Party Packages

Party Packages can contain individual menu packages specific for a party package. If you wish to re-use menu packages across many party packages; do not add them to this section as you will have an opportunity later to enter general menu packages.


Recommended size is 352px x 220px (or double at 704px x 440px)


This price will override any default price for a day. It can be used for public holidays or a spiked period


This price will override any default price for a day. It can be used for public holidays or a spiked period


Please add as many Catering packages as you would like to be available for this party package. Customers must select 1 catering package to proceed.


Any price here will be added to the total if selected. $0 = no additional cost if customer selects that catering package.

If you would like customers to choose from a selection within this package, how many items can they select? 0 = no choice and all food items selected

Recommended size is 352px x 220px (or double at 704px x 440px)

Party Extras


Per Person = price is multiplied by all attending guests Set Price = Price is not multiplied.

This will be displayed in a popup window

Description of catering services


Menu Packages

These menu packages are not related to a Party Package.
Use these when you want re-use the menu packages over many party packages and save on content entry duplication.

Please add as many Catering packages as you would like. Customers must choose 1 to proceed.


If you would like customers to choose from a selection within this package, how many items can they select? 0 = no choice and all food items selected

Any price here will be added to the total if selected. $0 = no additional cost if customer selects that catering package.

Recommended size is 352px x 220px (or double at 704px x 440px)

Catering Extras


Per Person = price is multiplied by all attending guests Set Price = Price is not multiplied.

This will be displayed in a popup window

Additional Party information


Business Legal information